
CI CD docs npm

LogSnag is a SaaS for event logging and monitoring. This package provides a brief SDK over the LogSnag API.


const logsnag = new LogSnag({
project: "project-name",
token: "api-token"

// logs

const sales = logsnag.getChannel("sales");
sales.log("Product Sold", {
description: `${player.Name} bought ${product.Name}!`
user_id: player.UserId,
icon: "🤑",
tags: {
product_id: product.Id,
price: product.Price

// insights

const visits = logsnag.getInsight("Visits");

Players.PlayerAdded.Connect(() => {

// identify

Players.PlayerAdded.Connect((player) => {
logsnag.identify(tostring(player.UserId), {
membership: player.MembershipType.Name

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